Support project

Thank you!

Thank you for using Civ6Bot. You can help us improve the bot in a relatively simple way by finding and reporting any errors you come across so that we can fix them. If you are more determined to help, you can assist us in one of the ways described below.


We pay for the hosting of the bots and project website on a monthly basis. You can support the project financially through services such as Boosty (opens in a new tab), DonationAlerts (opens in a new tab), or Patreon (opens in a new tab).

Example Image

Monthly subscriptions:

  • "Dark age": 50₽
  • "Normal age": 125₽;
  • "Golden age": 300₽;
  • "Heroic age": 600₽.

Go to Boosty page. (opens in a new tab)


If you are proficient in another language, you can help with localization. This will make using the bot more convenient and help expand the user audience.

If you are ready, please send a direct message to the developer on Discord (opens in a new tab) or Telegram (opens in a new tab) to get more details.